I've long believed that a proper scientific
understanding of racism can help us engineer
societies which are relatively free from racial
tensions. However I haven't spent much energy
writing about the topic. That is largely
because of the heat the whole topic often attracts.
However, I don't think that is a very good reason for
avoiding discussing the issue in public. If
everyone did that it would become impossible
to have any sensible policy discussions.
Anyway, here are some of my views on the topic:
Some worry that treating racism as a natural phenomenon,
will be used to justify it as "natural" and therefore
excusable. I don't really share that concern. Science
explains "rape" as a natural phenomenon, but "my genes
made me do it" is not treated as a valid excuse in court.
It's much the same with explaining racism scientifically.
Xenophobia is likely to have had survival value for
our distant ancestors. Back when outgroup members
were uniformly likely to bash your head in with a
rock, knowing who is part of your tribe would have
been pretty important.
Humans are tribal creatures. We know empirically
that humans like to form groups which exaggerate
their similarities with ingroup members while
exaggerating their differences from outgroup members.
The result is tribal markers which are culturally
transmitted, subject to rapid cultural evolution
and likely to diverge quickly and easily.
It has long been observed that kin selection
and homophily are associated with racism. Humans
are nice to their relatives, and part of the clues
of relatedness involve physical appearance.
The implementation of kin recognition involves
some similarity detection.
Based on this, people of a different race would
represent a super-stimulus of unrelatedness. The
idea has been dubbed "ethnic nepotism". However, kin
selection based on similarity between DNA genes
probably doesn't explain racism very well.
It mostly preducts outgroup indifference, not
outgroup hostility. There is the phenomenon of
Hamiltonian spite - which predicts active
hostility to non-relatives, but this is
widely thought to be a minor phenomenon.
I think that the simple intuition that kin
selection is involved in racism is correct,
but I also think that
cultural kin selection
needs to be invoked, along with cultural
hijacking of kin selection mechanisms.
Other thinkers have also invoked culture in the
explanation for racism. For example, here is what
Richard Dawkins had to say on the topic in his
2004 article "Race and creation".
We are indeed a very uniform species
if you count the totality of genes, or if you
take a truly random sample of genes, but perhaps
there are special reasons for a disproportionate
amount of variation in those very genes that make
it easy for us to notice variation, and to
distinguish our own kind from others. These
would include the genes responsible for externally
visible "labels" like skin colour. I want to
suggest that this heightened discriminability
has evolved by sexual selection, specifically
in humans because we are such a culture-bound
species. Because our mating decisions are so
heavily influenced by cultural tradition, and
because our cultures, and sometimes our religions,
encourage us to discriminate against outsiders,
especially in choosing mates, those superficial
differences that helped our ancestors to prefer
insiders over outsiders have been enhanced out
of all proportion to the real genetic differences
between us.
However, Dawkins has also stated that he doesn't think
that kin selection is involved. Here are comments from
"Darwin's dangerous disciple":
The National Front was saying something like
this, "kin selection provides the basis for favoring your
own race as distinct from other races, as a kind of
generalization of favoring your own close family
as opposed to other individuals." Kin selection
doesn`t do that! Kin selection favors nepotism
towards your own immediate close family. It
does not favor a generalization of nepotism
towards millions of other people who happen
to be the same color as you.
Dawkins goes on to mention another theory involving
divergent selection:
I could imagine that racist feeling
could be a misfiring, not of kin selection but
of reproductive isolation mechanisms. At some
point in our history there may have been two
species of humans who were capable of mating
together but who might have produced sterile
hybrids (such as mules). If that were true,
then there could have been selection in favor
of a "horror" of mating with the other species.
Now that could misfire in the same sort of way
that the cuckoo host's parental impulse misfires.
The rule of thumb for that hypothetical avoiding
of miscegenation could be "Avoid mating with
anybody of a different color (or appearance)
from you."
The "divergent selection" theory predicts racism
would be most pronounced between individuals of the
opposite sex. That might be true, but I don't think
any such effect is very big. Divergent selection
might explain some racism, but I don't think it
is a very good or complete explanation.
I don't think Dawkins's rationale for rejecting
kin selection makes sense. For one thing, he is apparently
only thinking of genetic kin selection. If you take
cultural kin
selection into account, it becomes immediately
obvious how kin selection can be applied to
large groups of people who are not closely
related in terms of their DNA genes. Although
they might not share genes they do share memes.
Patriotism memes can convince soldiers to fall
on grenades to save their unrelated soldier
"brothers in arms". Kin selection is not just
a theory about DNA genes - it also applies to
shared cultural phenomena.
I think it is important to note that culture
often exaggerates and amplifies tribal signals.
These work by acting as superstimulii of
relatedness. Memes involving uniforms for
example dabble in kin selected psychology,
and try and convince people that they are
surrounded by their super-brothers and super-sisters.
They frequently do this in order to encourage
altruistic behavior associated with kin altruism.
Memes often need their hosts to be nice and sociable
to promote their own spread. Surrounded by culturally
strengthened kin signals - and attempts at manipulation
involving artificially strengthened kinship signals -
it would probably have benefitted our ancestors to pay
close attention to such signals and detect when the
signals are being manipulated.
Hijacking and manipulation of kinship signals by culture
gives a different dynamic to the process. Hijacking
of kinship signals can be done without culture - as
when a long-lost relative turns up and claims their
inheritance. However cultural kin selection makes
hijacking and manipulation much more common.
What about the objection to kin selection that
I raised earlier? That it predicts indifference
towards outgroup members, rather than hostility?
Indifference can still lead to very bad behaviour.
Kin selection siggests that humans are indifferent
to the fate of chickens, but that doesn't prevent
humans from killing chickens in huge numbers in
slaughterhouses. In the absence of kin selected
altruism and altruism based on reciprocity,
and reputations, it seems reasonably plausible
that the default standard of behavior towards
others among our ancestors involved bashing
their heads in with rocks.
Anyway, this is my proposed explanation for
racism. In a nutshell, kin selection, especially
cultural kin selection plus some meme-gene coevolution.
Some would prefer to reframe this in terms of group selection
and cultural group selection. That should make no technical
difference, due to the equivalence of modern kin selection
and group selection frameworks.
What are the policy recommendations associated
with this idea? The obvious suggestion is to
increase sharing. This could involve shared genes,
or shared memes. If either promotes cooperation,
then more shared genes and memes seems as though it would have a positive effect.
Creating genetic uniformity could be done, for example,
by promoting inter-racial marriage, or even just international travel.
However, even these sorts of intervention could prove controversial.
Rather than creating genetic uniformity, the most obvious policy
would be to aim at creating shared memes. Get people speaking
the same language, using the same money, the same software and
following the same religion. That should help to make them nice
to each other.
There are some downsides to this sort of proposal. Historically,
globalization has led to more widely shared memes, but it has
simultaneously led to larger and more powerful groups. It does
look as though the general trend lines are pretty positive, but
it is at least worth noting that large powerful groups can cause
a lot of damage if they come into conflict with one another. The
path to humans all being of one tribe is likely to lead through
a state where there are two or three tribes - and that stage could
potentially have some associated dangers.
Another problem is more abstract. More shared memes is likely
to lead to less memetic diversity that could lead to a less
effective search of meme-space and slower memetic evolution.
That could have several consequences. It could result in
monopolies and stagnation. It could mean that the quest
for shared memes is self-limiting - as those societies
that pursue it are out-competed by those with greater
memetic diversity. Or it could result in some of the
down-sides of monocultures - for example catastrophic
parasite attacks. Diversity is, amongst other things, a
defense against parasitism.
Since it is the appearance of similarity that is most
important, it might
be worth focusing on methods that superficially hide
race-related signals. A man wearing a suit has obliterated
90% of the signals related to the colour of his skin.
As technology improves the options here may also improve.
Michael Jackson's racial transformation may become more
widely accessible, and less surgery-intensive options
involving drugs or gene therapy may become available.
Another related policy area involves what I call virtualization.
It appears that armed conflicts and sports share some traits
and that indulgence in sporting events substitutes and displaces
armed conflict - at least to some extent. A similar approach
could be used in an attempt to defuse racial tensions - again
using sports or other areas where uniformed teams compete with
each other. This approach seems a bit dangerous and it is easy
to imagine ways in which it could backfire. However, it should
at least be explored and studied.
Lastly, it seems as though a lot of progress has been
made via memetic evolution of anti-racism memes. One
marker for this evolution is the rapid rise of the words
"racism" and "racist". Before the 1960s these words were
virtually unknown. Then, between 1960 and 2000, their
use rapidly skyrocketed. See this chart for more details:
The rapid rise of the terms
"racism" and "racist" probably does not indicate an
increase in these phenomena. Instead, it probably
marks a rise in anti-racist memes. A number of modern
policy efforts focus on direct suppression of racism,
by spreading anti-racism memes around and persecuting
percieved racists.
This seems reasonable to me, though my favoured
explanation of racism doesn't really throw much light
on what policies in this area would be most effective.
One thing in this area which I am concerned about the
"James Watson" effect, where social justice warriors
ruin the careers of otherwise respectable scientists
over the issue.
The area of science covered by this blog is all about
differences between humans (and groups of humans). The
differences being examined are primarily cultural
differences, but that topic still touches on genetic
differences, since these must often be controlled for.
I would hate for my preferred area of science to become
a hotbed of racial controversy because of this.
One problem involves the quest to minimise percieved
racial differences. Rather obviously there will be less
racial discrimination if lots of people believe racial
differences are small or insignificant. That results in
an advocacy effort to minimize percieved racial differences.
The problem is that this domain is largely a matter of
fact, accessible to scientific enquiry. The advocates are
naturally inclined to distort the facts in favor of their
position - perhaps hoping for a self-fulfilling prophesy
effect. Unfortunately, this leads them into conflict with
those seeking the truth.
I think that the quest to suppress racism should take
care not to run too roughshod over the facts. If you
base your moral position on false facts, then it is
likely that the truth will out in the end, taking
the basis of your moral position with it. In particular,
there's no urgent need to deny the existence of heritable
differences in ability with a geographic basis when
trying to help people with different ethnic
backgrounds get along. There are profound differences
if you consider age or sex as your control variable -
instead of race. With age, discrimination based on many
of those differences is enshrined in the laws concerning
marriage, drinking voting, driving, etc. Differences
between people that affect their abilities are OK,
society can cope with them. Positions like "race
is a social construct" and general denial of race
related differences are not really scientifically
credible positions.
The current situation is that many of the "race denialists"
are fighting with scientists and with the facts. It doesn't
seem as though they occupy the moral high ground. I don't
think they are actually helping their own cause. They are
just making themselves look scientifically illiterate.