One of the myths about cultural evolution is to do with its speed.
It is often claimed that cultural evolution is faster than biological [
evolution. This claim may - or may not be correct. However, almost all of the
proponents of the idea are using
very bad accounting techniques to prove their
A good example comes from a recent paper by Charles Perreault titled:
The Pace of Cultural Evolution.
This compares rates of cultural evolution and biological [sic] evolution - and finds that cultural
evolution is faster. However, the article makes two very wrong assumptions:
It compares cultural evolution with evolution rates in wild animals. Animal populations have much longer generation times than some biological systems - sich as bacteria and viruses. Memes are a lot like bacteria and viruses in that they reproduce rapidly and can spread from host to host. Wild animals are not an appropriate point of comparison for memes - their lifespans are too long.
Charles Perreault anticipates this objection - to some extent - by going on to argue that the effect is independent of generation times. However for cultural evolution he compares to the generation time of the host humans, writing:
the amount of cultural change observed per generation time (20 years) is
significantly faster than what we would expect from biological evolution for a species
with the same generation time as humans
Well, duh. Cultural change is the result of rapidly-reproducing memes, not slowly-reproducing humans. Mixing these two up is a fundamental mistake. The generation time in cultural evolution is the time for meme reproduction. The generation time in organic evolution is the time taken for gene reproduction in germ-line cells. Neither is 20 years - even in humans - unless you are confining your attention to
sexual reproduction.
Meme reproduction rates can be very rapid - especially when you take
intracrainial memetics
into account. Since much meme reproduction occurs inside minds, large numbers of
variations can be explored in a short period of time.
I'm afraid I think that the kind of analysis in this paper is completely hopeless - since it is based on a faulty understanding of the nature of cultural evolution.
Looking at the skyscrapers, microchips and space travel that have arisen in a remarkably short space of time as a result of cultural evolution, there may be something to the case that it is - in some sense - faster than DNA-based evolution. However, dud accounting doesn't help make the case for this, it just piles confusion onto the issue.
Update 2013-11-23: Charles Perreault now has a 2013 video titled: "The pace of cultural evolution".